What is Perfect Mess?

Perfect Mess is a ministry that seeks to bring all women into Christ’s perfect light——the only place where true fellowship is found.

Perfect Mess was founded by Rhonda de la Moriniere while recovering from a life-altering stroke. One Saturday in 2013, Rhonda was going to one of many speaking engagements. But she noticed something was off—God’s presence was not with her. The Wednesday following the event, she had a stroke! While recovering in her hospital bed, Rhonda realized that she was helpless & powerless—a mess. But God’s presence was with her, and she finally understood that believing and resting in Him is His desire for everyone, and His children don’t have to strive for salvation because Christ’s perfection is attached to them.

The Founder

Based in Huffman, TX, Rhonda de la Morieniere holds an M.Ed. in counseling and is a certified counselor and trauma specialist. Rhonda seeks to help other women extend and expand God’s kingdom right where He has placed them partly through leading community bible studies and prayer groups.  She has also led many women through healing from abortion and childhood sexual abuse.  As a speaker and counselor, she has a heart for the broken and longs to see women in the Church move past the fears that keep them from fully embracing fellowship with Christ and His body—the Church.

As an author, Rhonda has published many titles such as Becoming Ewe: A Woman’s Journey from You to Ewe, A Shepherd’s Night Before Christmas, and the Beloved Bride book and Bible study. Her writing has been featured in an anthology, The Practice of Love by Civitas Press, and other local community magazines and blogs.

Rhonda believes in the power of the local church and local Christians to change the world through Christ’s love. Everyone is gifted and needed in Christ’s body, His church.

Rhonda’s Story

Rhonda’s walk with Christ began at Sagemont Church in Houston, TX. While there, she discovered the gifts God placed in her to teach, write, and share His word with others. From 2001 to 2017, there wasn’t a soul at Sagememont whom Jesus did not use to impact her life. “I am eternally grateful to the Body of Christ and Sagemont Church.” The following are people who have had a huge impact on Rhonda’s story:

Brother John and Bethel Morgan, founders of Sagemont Church, helped shape my life in every way, and Bethel Morgan became a spiritual mother to me until [she went] home to be with the Lord in 2017.”

Emily Ryan and Laurie Cole, speakers and authors of Christian books and Bible studies, have walked with Rhonda, providing her with friendship, motivation, and mentorship.

Debbie Simmons, Cindy Voss, Kelly Grant, and many other women Rhonda has had the honor to serve beside at Anchor Point Pregnancy Center represent a huge part of Rhonda’s redemption story. “They are the women I have entered places with Jesus I never knew possible. Through Project Hope, we’ve seen the enemy fall like lightning as we’ve experienced the victory only Jesus can bring on the other side.”

Since moving to Huffman, the women at First Baptist Huffman have blessed Rhonda and helped her “find a home for [her] heart.” “To my Perfect Mess sisters, you know who you are and, oh, the places we’ve seen Jesus together.” Because of them, Rhonda now knows Jesus more intimately and sees Him more clearly. “You make me SO happy.”

“Most recently, the women and men of Houston Northeast, thank you for expanding my view of our Lord and Savior and helping me to experience in greater view, the riches and depth of His love for all of us, as well as to experience the global church. The world has become so much smaller as I’ve seen in greater measure, the arms of Christ wrapped around the world through your mission work and ministry efforts.”

Rhonda’s big sister in Christ, Lee Mancini, has been Rhonda’s “spiritual mentor, friend, and second mother from afar for almost twenty years now.” “I literally cannot imagine walking through marriage, motherhood, and ministry battles without her behind me, helping me hear Jesus along the way. She has been my rock and helped keep my feet superglued to the Rock, even when I didn’t know how to stand.”

Dana Biddy, Shirley Wampler, and Sue de la Moriniere—Rhonda’s mother-in-law—have helped her see what it looks like to be a long-term follower of Jesus. “My mother-in-law has shown up when I know it’s been hard, especially during my health battles. These ladies have never stopped encouraging me and have even helped me write and edit my Beloved Bride study and prepare it for publication.”

Heather Howel and the Mom’s Rising Together community have come alongside Rhonda these past few years and have given her a local sisterhood to laugh, cry, and love Jesus

Rhonda is thankful for her neighbors and Bible study sisters in Huffman, TX. “Thank you for letting me enter your hearts and homes and see and know Jesus more through your eyes. You are some of the most beautiful women I will ever know and I am eternally grateful for you.”

Valerie Reynolds, you are in heaven now, but your prayers are still moving mountains here. Wherever would I be without you?”

“To Dana, Kristi, Nejwa, Christine, and Katrina, you know there is absolutely NO way I could have THIS story with Jesus without you. Thank you for being my sisters.”

Rhonda’s parents, Susan Hill and Mark Lloyd, and her stepmom Betti Ann Lloyd “are each an integral part” of Rhonda’s “Jesus story”. “We have sure tasted and seen that the Lord is good!”

“And lastly, to my husband, Matthew de la Moriniere, and our children; Joshua and Sara Lloyd, Faith Pratt, and Hope de la Moriniere, as well as our grandchildren; Eleanor and Gideon whom God has used more than anyone else to chisel and mold my heart to be more like His. And who have also given me a lifetime of stories to write, speak, and learn more about God’s never-ending love for us through”

“Nothing I’ve done or will ever do has been alone. We are One in Christ, and it’s only as One Body that any of us will ever arrive to hear those most precious words, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’”