Do vs Be…a poem
Do vs. Be
There is a war in me
I’d like to think there ‘s more to this Than what I choose to see
Do vs. Be
When will I ever see That life is more than what I do.. It’s Whose I choose to be
Do Vs. Be
LORD, teach my eyes to see
That only through
Abiding in You
Can I hope to be…
More than what I bargained for
Your Love makes me who I am
And through You I can be more Than this dust can understand
So I give You LORD my well worn list
My do’s and don’ts in exchange for Your “Be”
And in Your Hands I will discover more
Than these simple eyes could ever see
Forgive me LORD when I hem You in
With my plans of what I’ll do
And thank You LORD that You don’t let me find rest Until I again abide in You
For You are my “Be”, You are my rest
My only worth is found in You
And may this foolish self never again believe
That my worth is in my “do”