Welcome to Perfect Mess Ministries

About Perfect Mess

Based on 1 John 1:7, the philosophy of Perfect Mess is to boldly & courageously face our mess by abiding in the perfect love of Christ. Perfect Mess exists to invite everyone to live within God’s perfect love for themselves and others.

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Looking for a Bible study? Look no further!

Beloved Bride

What does Jesus say about His Bride?

 Find Out Here>

Do you want Rhonda to speak at your event?


Carolyn R.

“Rhonda spoke to our ladies at a women's event we had. She was very informative and knowledgeable about God's Word and the topic she spoke on. She was authentic and very engaging with the audience. I would recommend Rhonda for any ladies event you may have. I would definitely have her come back again.”

Kim L.

“Rhonda de la Moriniere stands out as authentic in sharing her journey to Jesus as her deepest relationship. Through such tremendous heartaches and obstacles, her story reveals how, ultimately, God received glory in all He allowed. As a writer and speaker, Rhonda's words  get to the heart of every matter  life can bring- that our Lord is sufficient, compassionate, and wants us to cling to Him daily. She inspires!”

Rita L.

“Rhonda spoke for me [i]n my home on 1/18/2020 to 11 of my fellow Christian sisters. She was punctual, pleasant, and powerful in her spiritual presentation and testimony. One of my guests commented that she was so  "awesome" to share her testimony with us. She stayed and had fellowship with my guest after her transforming message. I humbly give Rhonda a 5/5 rating. You will be blessed. She spoke of how to determine God's will for Your Life.”

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